As Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2024 unfolds, the focus goes beyond raising awareness—it’s about deepening our understanding of patient experiences and treatment pathways. For pharmaceutical and life sciences companies, this month represents a critical moment to reflect on the evolving treatment landscape and the role of innovation for patient-centric care. Central to these efforts are the conversations between HCPs and patients, of which analyzing can offer rich insights into patient preferences, emotional barriers, and treatment decisions.

At ZoomRx, we specialize in capturing these doctor-patient dialogues through our HCP-Pt research offering. These real-world insights help companies develop more personalized, effective treatments that resonate with patient needs. In this blog, we explore key findings from breast cancer conversations of recent months, shedding light on the critical role these interactions play in shaping treatment outcomes.

The Importance of Conversations in Breast Cancer Care

Breast cancer remains one of the most common cancers globally, with early detection and treatment personalization becoming cornerstones of care. But beyond clinical advancements, it is the doctor-patient conversation that often determines the path forward. These discussions provide a window into the patient’s journey, revealing how individuals process diagnoses, explore treatment options, and weigh risks.

Our work at ZoomRx through the HCP-Pt product has shown that these conversations are essential for aligning treatment plans with patient preferences, enhancing adherence, and ultimately improving outcomes.

68y old Breast Cancer Patient with PIK3CA mutation

68y old Breast Cancer Patient with PIK3CA mutation
HCP: So, you know, we're here to take a look at the recent scans you got. And I'm sure you may have already seen the report online, but unfortunately it looks on the CT scan as though there are some new nodules concerning for the breast cancer having come back.
HCP: I know that's not the news that, that you wanted to hear today. Thankfully, it's just a few scattered nodules, mostly in the lungs, and we're not seeing anything back in the area where the initial breast tumor had been. Overall, this is a pretty low tumor burden, but I still think it's worthwhile to try a new treatment because we don't want these nodules to get bigger.
Patient: So what's the next thing I can do?

Patient Preferences and Emotional Barriers in Treatment Choices

For many breast cancer patients, choosing a treatment is a deeply personal and emotional process. Preferences are often influenced by more than clinical factors—they are shaped by a patient’s values, lifestyle, and emotional response to the diagnosis. Understanding these nuances is critical for pharmaceutical companies seeking to develop patient-centered therapies.

Our research reveals that patients frequently express concerns over side effects, long-term efficacy, and quality of life. Through conversations with their oncologists, these fears are either alleviated or exacerbated, depending on the quality of communication. This is where doctor-patient dialogue plays a pivotal role, helping to build trust and guide patients through their treatment options.

68y old Breast Cancer Patient with PIK3CA mutation

68y old Breast Cancer Patient with PIK3CA mutation1mp3
Patient: What other side effects might I potentially see?
HCP: Yeah. So, common things, as I said, nausea, diarrhea, poor appetite. Some folks, you know, if people are diabetic, they, that may sometimes worsen their blood sugars, but in your case, I'm less worried about that. Things to be, like, on the lookout for is certainly if you start noticing you have, like, a new rash that you notice or that's spreading and also if you. If you just start having fevers or feeling crummy, you know, it can sometimes suppress the immune system. So, we want to know about that right away and as always, if anything, if anything crazy, first thing, you go to the emergency room, and we'll figure it out there. Okay?
Patient: Okay. That makes sense.

Shifts in Prescribing Patterns: What Conversations Reveal

The last few years have seen significant advancements in breast cancer treatment, from targeted therapies to personalized medicine. However, the adoption of these treatments often depends on how well physicians communicate their benefits and risks to patients. Through our conversation data, we’ve observed trends in how breast cancer patients approach treatment decisions, particularly in regard to how doctors are introducing new treatments.

57y old Breast Cancer Patient with PD-L1 positive & PIK3CA mutation

57y old Breast Cancer Patient with PD L1 positive PIK3CA mutationmp3
HCP: So, I have a couple options. So, one is, you know, right now we don't have data to combine. Keytruda with another drug, but that trial is being done. Our understanding and belief is that trial results will be presented.
Patient: Mm hmm.
HCP: It'll go to the FDA. The option is, I can give you Trodelvy today, which is a different receptor, similar to the Keytruda and similar to the Enhertu, but it has a chemotherapy molecule that it'll go right to the cancer. Okay, so, I'll show you a picture of that.
Patient: It's different than immunotherapy
HCP: It's similar but different, right?
Patient: Similar but,
HCP: Yeah. And I'll show you kind of the example…

Implications for Market Research and Pharma Companies

For pharmaceutical and life sciences companies, understanding the breast cancer journey requires more than clinical trial data—it requires insight into the real-world conversations that shape patient decisions. Market research based on HCP-patient interactions can uncover the motivations behind treatment choices, identify barriers to adoption, and inform the development of more effective, patient-centered therapies.

ZoomRx’s HCP-pt product offers a unique perspective into these conversations, providing pharmaceutical companies with actionable insights that can drive product development, marketing strategies, and patient engagement initiatives. By leveraging these insights, companies can ensure their treatments align with the evolving needs of breast cancer patients, leading to better market performance and patient outcomes.

Conclusion: Prioritizing Patient Conversations in Breast Cancer Care

As we commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2024, it’s crucial to recognize the pivotal role of doctor-patient conversations in shaping the future of breast cancer treatment. These dialogues offer a wealth of insights that can help pharmaceutical companies develop more personalized, effective therapies that truly resonate with patients.

At ZoomRx, we are committed to supporting pharmaceutical companies by providing these critical insights through HCP-Patient Conversations. By listening to and analyzing real-world conversations, we enable companies to better understand the nuances of patient preferences, emotional barriers, and treatment decisions.

As breast cancer care continues to evolve, the ability to tap into these conversations will be key to developing patient-centered strategies that not only enhance the effectiveness of treatments but also improve the overall patient experience.

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