Executive Summary

Launching a new pharmaceutical brand is a complex undertaking that requires significant investments in market research and strategic planning. To help companies navigate this process, ZoomRx has developed a comprehensive Launch Insights Planning Tool. This tool leverages benchmarks and best practices derived from an in-depth analysis of over 30 recent pharma brand launches. The ZoomRx Launch Insights Planning Tool provides a structured framework for developing an insights-driven launch strategy, enabling brand teams to allocate insights resources, sequence research for maximum impact, and build a strong knowledge base for a successful launch.

The Challenge of Brand Launch Planning

Developing an effective pharmaceutical brand launch strategy requires careful coordination of multiple workstreams, including market assessment, positioning, messaging, and campaign development. Many pharma brand teams struggle to prioritize research investments and lack clear benchmarks to guide their planning. Without a structured approach, companies risk conducting pharma market research that fails to yield actionable insights or neglecting critical factors that can impact the brand's success.

Launch Insights Benchmarks

To address these challenges, ZoomRx conducted an in-depth analysis of primary market research programs across 31 recent pharma brand launches. Key findings include:

- The most common pre-launch research projects are Demand Studies (90% of launches), Competitive Landscape (87%) and Patient Journey Mapping(87%).

- On average, market insights research begins approximately 30 months before launch and follows a strategic sequence.

- Total launch insights budgets range from $2.8 to $3.8 million for global projects and $1.8 to $2.5 million for US-only projects.

- Launch research relies on a mix of methodologies, with 71% of projects involving qualitative research and 61% involving quantitative research.

- The US is the dominant market for launch research, included in 97% of benchmarked projects, followed by Europe at 49%.

- Healthcare professionals are the primary research focus, included in 93% of projects, while patients are included in 40% of projects.

These launch insights benchmarks provide valuable context for pharma brand teams as they develop their launch insights plans. Understanding typical investment levels, research timing, methodologies, and audiences enables more informed planning and resource allocation.

Launch Insights Roadmap

Market insights research typically begins approximately 3 years prior to launch and extends to within the final months leading up to launch. Brands often time their research projects to inform future research.

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The ZoomRx Launch Insights Planning Tool

Building on these benchmarks, ZoomRx has developed a comprehensive Launch Insights Planning Tool to guide brand teams through the research planning process. The tool includes several key features:

1. Integrated Benchmarks: The tool incorporates the latest benchmarks on research timing, investment levels, methodologies, and audiences, providing pharma brand teams with clear guideposts for their planning.

2. PHYCURE Framework Integration: The tool is aligned with ZoomRx's PHYCURE framework, ensuring that launch research plans deliver insights across the seven key dimensions of an effective brand strategy.

3. Customizable Research Planning: Using launch benchmarks and PHYCURE framework, the ZoomRx team can provide a custom launch insights plan for your brand. Our team of launch insight experts will create a research plan, including suggested projects, timing, and investment levels.

By leveraging the ZoomRx Launch Insights Planning Tool, insights professionals and brand can develop a comprehensive, insights-driven launch plan that is grounded in industry best practices and tailored to their specific brand needs. The tool streamlines the planning process, facilitates cross-functional alignment, and ensures that research investments are optimized for maximum impact.

To receive the detailed launch insights benchmarking report, contact Dan Callahan at dan.callahan@zoomrx.com. To learn more about ZoomRx’s launch insights capabilities and our PHYCURE framework, visit our website at www.zoomrx.com.

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