Why is it more important to predict the message effectiveness score than the typical message testing route? The answer is simple: Time and Money.
For starters, predicting the effectiveness of a message allows marketers to allocate their resources more efficiently.
- Predicting the effectiveness of a message saves an enormous amount of time. Marketers often spend countless hours crafting and testing messages, only to discover that they are not as effective as they had hoped. By predicting the effectiveness of a message upfront, marketers can save time and avoid investing time in campaigns that are unlikely to succeed.
- Enormous amounts of money is being spent on message testing etc., - thus using a early tool to declutter could go a long way for marketers to adjust their strategy appropriately
Furthermore, predicting the effectiveness of a message, marketers can gain a deeper understanding of what works and what doesn’t work with their target HCPs. This can help them tailor their marketing efforts to better appeal to their audience and increase the chances of success.
By using tools like ZoomRx’s Message Benchmarks, with 300K+ interactions between HCPs and sales representatives for 500+ brands to help predict the message effectiveness score on the fly, marketers can make informed decisions and increase the chances of success for their marketing campaigns.
Try this Beta Version Tool to help craft impactful messages for your brand— that would resonate with the HCPs leading to improved awareness & perception