Primary Market Research (PMR) has come a long way. From what started as a paper-based quant survey to gauge consumer preferences in the 1920s, market research has undergone multiple paradigm shifts.

We are at the cusp of one such change with the AI/LLMs. They not only equip us to analyze massive data sets, identify patterns, and generate insights at a speed and scale but also enable AI-driven surveys for more interactive, in-depth, and engaging data collection.

At ZoomRx we have been experimenting with generative AI for a couple of years. In our latest experiment, we surveyed 60+ cardiologists regarding the primary message they remembered following their most recent interaction with a pharmaceutical sales representative.

ZoomRx experiments with its proprietary survey platform to help better answer the “whys” behind the “what”.

Half of the respondents (N=30) received a non-adaptive (standard) question, asking them to recall any other details about the interaction, while the other half (N=30) were presented with an adaptive (AI-generated) question in real-time, which was created as the survey is getting administered, i.e the point of research.

What we learned through the research was extremely interesting.

  1. Responses to open-ended questions are typically 35 characters. However, when accompanied by an adaptive question, respondents tend to furnish more elaborate answers. To quantify, the character count more than doubled.
  2. Respondents also provided in-depth information focusing more on the details of the said primary message with the adaptive question while the non-adaptive question was able to get more width

Case Study: Representative discussing Eliquis for Afib (atrial fibrillation)

When two cardiologists remember the core message from the representative interaction as the minimized bleeding risk associated with Eliquis, the adaptive question aimed at comprehending the specific significance of discussing "Eliquis' lowest bleeding." In contrast, the non-adaptive question steers the conversation towards other covered topics.​

Such adaptive questions are powerful as they could be generated within the business context and thus have the ability to be a qual researcher at scale.

Talking about this, Varsha Sundaram who helmed the experiment said - “With ZoomRx’s proprietary survey platform, our clients stand to benefit a lot from these adaptive researches. These are well set to answer the much-needed business questions by understanding the business context, physicians’ response, and asking appropriate in-depth follow-up questions”

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