The pharmaceutical industry is constantly evolving, and one of the latest additions to the market is Rykindo, a long-acting injectable formulation of risperidone. Risperidone is an atypical antipsychotic medication used for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder in adults. Rykindo is designed to offer a more convenient treatment option, with a bi-weekly injection that utilizes Luye Pharma's microsphere technology to provide extended-release of the active ingredient.

ZoomRx conducted a survey to gather the opinions of 30 psychiatrists on their initial impressions of Rykindo and their likelihood of using it for their patients. The results were mixed, with only 8 psychiatrists being aware of the medication, and only 3 of them expressing a high likelihood of using it. However, their open-ended responses shed light on some of the potential benefits and concerns of this new treatment option.

One of the advantages noted by some psychiatrists is the convenience of a long-acting injectable. Patients who struggle with adherence to oral medication regimens may find a bi-weekly injection to be a more manageable option. In addition, Rykindo offers a more consistent dosage with an overlap of oral drugs up to 7 days, compared to a few weeks for other long-acting injectable antipsychotics.

Other psychiatrists expressed concerns about the potential for side effects. While risperidone is generally considered a safe and effective medication, it does carry a risk of adverse reactions such as metabolic changes, hyperprolactinemia, and orthostatic hypotension. In addition, some patients may experience cognitive and motor impairment or seizures. However, several psychiatrists noted that they have had positive experiences using risperidone as a first-line medication for psychosis.

Another concern expressed by psychiatrists is the cost of Rykindo compared to other long-acting injectable antipsychotics, such as Risperdal Consta and Paliperidone. While the convenience of a bi-weekly injection may be appealing, it remains to be seen whether the cost of Rykindo will be justified for patients and healthcare systems.

“There are already several long-acting-injectible Risperidone and Paliperidone (similar antipsychotic). As this formulation is new, it is likely to be more expensive than these.”
“I very rarely use Risperdal Consta to begin with as biweekly dosing is highly inconvenient compared to other LAI dosing frequencies. I also have no convincing reason to use Rykindo over Consta”

In conclusion, Rykindo is a new addition to the arsenal of antipsychotic medications for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder in adults. While the initial response from psychiatrists has been mixed, there are potential benefits to this new treatment option, such as improved adherence and more consistent dosing. However, concerns about side effects and cost will need to be carefully considered by clinicians and patients when evaluating the suitability of Rykindo for their individual needs.

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