Equipping reps with digital visual aids is a time and cost-intensive exercise. Consequently, sales leadership teams find themselves grappling with the questions:

Visual aids in pharmaceutical sales

The conventional logic is that digital aids enable sales reps to engage the physician for a longer “lock-in” period, enable more compelling presentation of clinical data, and equip reps with more information. While we do in fact see digital aids resulting in longer visits, print outperformed digital in terms of overall detail quality and product perception, suggesting that tried and true visual aids such as product brochures, package inserts, and reprints can make a positive impression at a lower cost.

This finding is drawn out from oncology sales strategies from MD-reported sales-rep interactions and data across four parameters--detail duration, overall detail quality, product perception, and intent to prescribe after the detail.

Detail duration

Most sales interactions are likely to feature printed aids. Only a small portion of interactions even involve a digital aid, suggesting a greater burden of deployment.

Effective Sales Aids for Oncology Reps

While introducing any visual aid increases the length of a detail, the effect is more pronounced with digital than with print material (digital aids lead to an increase in average visit length of 3.4 mins, compared to an increase of just .9 mins for print aids).

However, did this increase in duration lead to an increase in other key metrics?

While ultimately, we see digital (65%) and print (64%) aids resulting in a comparable likelihood of increasing an MD’s intent to prescribe a product, print aids had a more positive effect on the overall quality of the interaction and physician perception of the product.

Oncology Sales Aids

Want to learn more about what makes an oncology detail high-impact?

We’ll be glad to share more of our findings (on the house), including additional industry benchmarks and best practices in oncology promotion and sales force effectiveness in pharma.

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