The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) score has become a critical post-diagnosis tool for oncologists as they discuss prostate cancer disease state with their patients along with their families and caregivers.

Oncologist-patient relationships are based on trust, and transparency is an essential component to building that trusting relationship. The PSA score is a tangible metric that helps oncologists share clinical updates, as well as guide their patients along the journey and through difficult milestones.

ZoomRx is partnering with oncologists to research clinical conversations they are having with their prostate cancer patients. These conversations offer a view into the patient journey and key considerations that influence treatment decisions. Through these conversations we’ve observed that the PSA is being used both to build trust and also to help the patient adapt to and move through critical journey milestones.

Key Milestone: Treatment Initiation

Once initiated on treatment, patients often struggle to regain a sense of normalcy and control over their lives. The PSA is used by oncologists to keep the patient informed and ensure transparency with respect to disease status. The metric also provides the patient with a tangible indicator that the treatment is working and that their disease is being managed effectively. This may help patients to feel a greater sense of predictability and ease anxiety, ultimately helping patients and their families to adjust to their "new normal."

An oncologist uses the change in PSA score to communicate a patient’s successful response to therapy.
A patient inquires about their lab results to understand their disease status.

As treatment continues over the long-term, it can be difficult for patients to stay motivated. The PSA is being used to both reassure and keep the patient motivated to continue.

An oncologist encourages their patient by referring to their long-term PSA score.

Key Milestone: Monitoring for Disease Progression and Treatment Switch

Moments of progression disrupt the normalcy that patients and their families have created post-diagnosis. The anxiety created by the initial diagnosis often returns. The time between scans can be uncertain and the PSA is a valuable tool to manage this uncertainty.

A patient expresses their anxiety and then relief around waiting for their scan results.

In the conversations below, PSA is being used as an early indicator to signal whether or not the disease may be progressing. Provision of the metric is meant to restore a sense of control and balance, as the patient is being started on a new treatment.

An oncologist outlines the PSA testing plan and the target results to reassure their patient and the patient’s wife.

ZoomRx HCP-Patient Conversation Research

A thorough understanding of the patient journey is essential for successful brand positioning. ZoomRx’s HCP-Patient Conversation research provides a unique perspective on the role of the patient-oncologist relationship and clinical and contextual considerations that are being articulated at the moment of decision-making.

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